NECEC Congratulates Member Companies Equinor and Baystate Wind for Winning NY State’s Offshore Wind RFP, the Largest US Offshore Wind Contract Announcement Ever

Friday, July 19, 2019

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NECEC President Peter Rothstein made the following statement regarding New York State’s announcement of the record-level winning bids for their 2018 offshore wind solicitation.

“We offer congratulations to both our member companies Equinor and Baystate Wind, which is a joint venture between Eversource Energy and Orsted. Combined, these projects will provide almost 1,700 MWs of clean energy, enough to power over a million homes, the creation of 1,600 jobs and economic investment of $3.2 billion for New York - putting the Empire State well on its way towards its ambitious target of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. This is another important milestone that clearly demonstrates the accelerating role offshore wind will play in delivering the clean energy needed to meet our climate goals. The offshore wind industry is increasingly becoming a vital part of our regional economy, bringing economic benefits and new jobs to the entire Northeast."

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