NECEC Signs on to Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions Letter Urging Gov. Baker to Sign Massachusetts Climate Bill

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Name, Last

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

January 12, 2021

Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Massachusetts State House
Boston, MA 01233

Re: Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions Support for Senate Bill 2995, An Act creating a next generation roadmap for Massachusetts climate policy

Dear Governor Baker:

On behalf of the Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions (ACES), we urge you to sign this legislation. ACES is a coalition comprised of business groups, clean energy companies, environmental organizations, labor, health, and consumer advocates who are dedicated to advancing clean energy in the Commonwealth.

ACES applauds your steadfast leadership on combatting climate change and promoting clean energy. Your commitment to a clean energy transition and a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions standard has set the table for leading climate protections and a strong clean energy economy. With Senate Bill 2995, the legislature has delivered an important bill that will complement your administration’s work. This legislation echoes your recognition of the economic development benefits of developing clean energy resources; codifies your prior commitment to a net-zero future by providing the tools the Commonwealth needs to achieve carbon reductions goals (such as transportation policies that encourage shifting to EVs); and delivers effective environmental justice strategies.

Each legislative session, we support policy priorities that are critical to the economic, energy and environmental future of the Commonwealth and to ensuring Massachusetts national leadership in the clean energy sector. Our recent focus included increasing the state’s renewable portfolio standard, modernizing the electricity grid, and promoting the growth of energy efficiency, solar, and EVs.

As active members of the climate and clean energy community, ACES members stand ready to work with you and your administration to implement the various measures in S.2995 to ensure its promise is delivered to the people and companies of the Commonwealth.


Deborah Donovan
Acadia Center (ACES Co-Chair)

Jeremy McDiarmid
Northeast Clean Energy Council (ACES Co-Chair)

cc: Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, Energy and Environmental Affairs

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