NECEC's 2016 Year in Review

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

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NECEC’s reflects on another successful year in clean energy. From tremendous job growth across the region to the passing of significant clean energy legislation in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, the Northeast clean energy economy is stronger than ever. As a new year approaches, even with uncertainty around the role of federal government in clean energy growth, the entire country can expect the Northeast to continue leading on clean energy. Check out highlights from what was a banner year for clean energy in 2016.

January 2016

  • In partnership with Acadia Center, NECEC forms the Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions, a coalition of nearly 20 environmental, clean energy industry, business, consumer, and health groups seeking to ensure that Massachusetts enacts long-term policies that will drive clean, affordable & reliable energy.

February 2016

  • NECEC hosts its Fourth Annual Maine and Connecticut Clean Energy Days, bringing executives from NECEC member companies to visit the Maine Connecticut State Houses to advocate for continued and expanded policy support for clean energy, energy efficiency and grid modernization.
  • Cleantech Open Northeast kicks off its 2016 accelerator program with kickoff parties in New York City and Boston.

March 2016

  • NECEC hosts its third Navigate Summit, a “Strategic Partner and Innovation Summit” convening Strategic Partners and the Northeast’s leaders in clean technology innovation, entrepreneurship & commercialization to connect with peers, identify key opportunities and challenges, share best practices, and develop strategies through collaborative problem solving.
  • NECEC Members join with solar partners SEIA, SEBANE, Vote Solar and MassSolar for a coordinated solar lobby day in Massachusetts, urging legislators to pass compromise solar legislation and enable solar projects to move forward in Massachusetts.
  • NECEC's media relations panel called ‘Working with the Press in an Evolving Media Landscape,’ is held at Mintz Levin. NECEC Senior Director of Communications & Public Relations Kate Johnson moderated a lively discussion with Boston Globe Business Reporter Jon Chesto, Greentech Media Senior Editor Steven Lacey, Boston Business Journal Technology Editor Sara Castanellos and political reporter Gintautas Dumcius.

April 2016

  • NECEC Members call for consistent clean energy policy as part of NECEC’s Fourth Annual Rhode Island Clean Energy Day, featuring speakers such as Eric Beane, of Governor Raimondo’s office and the announcement of NECEC’s Clean Energy Champion Award to Rhode Island Treasurer Seth Magaziner and Senate President Theresa Pavia Weed.
  • NECEC Sponsor LogMeIn hosts NECEC’s Spring Sponsor & Member Mixer, with more than 100 business leaders in clean energy.

May 2016

  • More than 50 clean energy business leaders visit legislators and policymakers at the Massachusetts State House to advocate for support for the combination of grid-scale and distributed clean energy policies at NECEC’s Fifth Annual Massachusetts Clean Energy Day. Speakers included Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Judith Judson, Enel Green Power North America Director of Innovation Sander Cohan, Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Chairman Representative Tom Golden and Senator Benjamin Downing, who received NECEC’s Clean Energy Vanguard Award.
  • NECEC is recognized at packed ceremony at the Massachusetts Statehouse to celebrate the winners of the 22nd Annual Energy and Environment (EEA) Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education. NECEC was awarded an “Honor Roll” certificate for its work connecting clean energy employers with the state’s educational community as part of our workforce development efforts.

June 2016

  • NECEC hosts its first SPN Cleantech Financial Innovation Summit, a unique event that brought together NECEC’s Strategic Partner Network, cleantech start-ups, state energy officials, and investors from major banks, venture capital firms, and angel investment groups to discuss financial innovation in all stages of cleantech.
  • Cleantech Open Northeast kicks off National East Coast Academy, a two-day workshop for its regional semifinalists at NYU School of Law.

August 2016

  • NECEC's hosts its Annual Legislative Roundup. Executive Vice President Janet Gail Besser and NECEC's state coordinators provide an overview of key clean energy legislation that has emerged from the 2016 state legislative sessions.

September 2016

  • NECEC organizes an Energy Storage Forum which involved a panel discussion with energy storage experts in policy, deployment and investment who have their finger on the pulse of the energy storage market. Speakers included Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Judith Judson, Henrik Holland of Shell Technology Ventures, Kate Burson of Tesla, Kelly Warner of Advanced Microgrid Solutions, Michael Oster of Eos Energy Storage, John Bellacicco of Stem, Peter Rothstein of NECEC, and Mark Barnett of Foley Hoag LLP.

October 2016

  • NECEC publishes “Partnering for a Clean Energy Economy” an original paper outlining a vision for the Northeast’s economic development model for a clean energy future.
  • NECEC holds its Strategic Partners Network Fall Workshop with a focus on finalizing details for 2017 Innovation & Strategic Partner Summits and an exercise a facilitated exercise to develop a common framework for the evolution of the clean energy market over the next 35 years.
  • NECEC hosts its 9th Annual Green Tie Gala, featuring Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo as its keynote speaker. Winners of the 2016 Green Tie Gala Awards included ACRE for Startup Supporter of the Year, Deepwater Wind for Emerging Company of the Year, and Schneider Electric for Clean Energy Company of the Year.
  • Cleantech Open Northeast holds its Regional Finals and and announces which startups will win this year’s prizes at the 2016 Innovation Expo & Awards Night, featuring all semi-finalists.
  • NECEC’s Navigate Northeast program hosts the 2016 Investor and Corporate Connect and 2016 Executive Roundtable, connecting investors and corporations with early stage and emerging companies in an intimate, tailored setting.

November 2016

  • NECEC welcomes two new members to its Boards of Directors. Cynthia Arcate, President and CEO of Power Options, joins the board of the Northeast Clean Energy Council. Stephen Pike, CEO of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, joins the board of the NECEC Institute.

December 2016

  • NECEC hosts is 2016 Annual Meeting at Foley Hoag LLP. Clean energy policy, innovation, and business leadership were front and center themes at the meeting, which brought together nearly 100 NECEC Members and Sponsors for a half-day of discussion and insight into the year ahead for clean energy in the Northeast.

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