Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions Statement on Net Zero by 2050 Determination

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions (ACES) commends the Baker-Polito administration for determining net zero carbon emissions by 2050 as Massachusetts’ legal emissions limit. Codifying a net zero by 2050 reduction target, the top ACES priority of 2020, is consistent with scientific consensus from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and positions the state to be a global leader in addressing climate change.

While much regulatory work lies ahead, ACES members appreciate the legislative leadership shown by H.3983 and S.2477, the passage of which remains critical to expanding and codifying the determination letter. ACES looks forward to working with the Administration and the Implementation Advisory Committee on crafting and promoting the policies and regulations that will advance real progress towards net zero emissions. Establishing ambitious economy-wide carbon reduction targets for 2030 (at least 50% below 1990 levels) and 2040, as soon as possible, will ensure that the 2050 limit is achieved.

ACES also recognizes that the transition to net zero carbon emissions must be just and equitable. In addition to aggressively reducing greenhouse gas emissions, policy solutions must safeguard public health, enable environmental sustainability, and ensure economic security. We urge policymakers to always prioritize equitable outcomes and protect communities that have borne disproportionate burdens of our fossil fueled economy in each element of the carbon mitigation strategy.

About ACES

The Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions (ACES) is a “coalition of coalitions” composed of business groups, clean energy companies, environmental organizations, health and consumer representatives dedicated to advancing clean energy for Massachusetts. ACES is committed to ensuring that those charged with shaping Massachusetts’ energy policies have the most rigorous, current data on the benefits and costs of clean energy. Our goal is to ensure that the Commonwealth can attain a cost-effective, reliable and diverse energy supply to power its businesses, communities, and households, which will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, create a stable and prosperous business environment and meet the Commonwealth’s greenhouse gas emissions requirements.

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