Northeast and Quebec power sector leaders assemble for regional grid summit in New York

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

NEW YORK CITY - Power sector leaders from states across the northeast, major public utilities and the government of Quebec will gather tomorrow for a summit in New York City to envision how the region’s electric grid needs to evolve in order to bring about the rapid transition to a clean energy future. The Northeast Clean Energy Council (NECEC), NYSERDA, National Grid and the Quebec delegations to New York and Boston will be hosting the summit, which will include representatives from Hydro-Québec, the Maine Governor’s Energy Office, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, the Rhode Island Public Utility Commission, the Connecticut Department of of Energy and Environmental Protection, the New York Power Authority, NYISO, ISO New England, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Eversource, Con Edison and Avangrid.

“We’ve assembled a who’s who in the energy sector to discuss the grid, which is the linchpin that ties together all of our clean energy initiatives,” said NECEC President Joe Curtatone. “The grid is what moves all of the electrons between production and consumption, and we know we need a more robust, more resilient and smarter grid if we want to be a society that runs on the power generated by the clean, renewable resources around us. Most importantly, we have to think beyond state and national borders to make sure we have a reliable system that can share resources.”

The northeast U.S. and eastern Canada are poised to become clean energy powerhouses in the coming decades. The region has the offshore wind, solar power and hydroelectric resources to meet all of its internal energy needs. As the region shifts to a climate economy, what has been one of the world's leading energy consumers can become an energy producer. The economic impact in terms of jobs and environmental impact on climate and clean air/water will be significant.

“New York State is proud to join NECEC and other sponsors in hosting this timely regional planning summit that brings together our partners in neighboring states and provinces to talk about how we can work towards our shared climate goals and build the electric grid of the future,” said David Sandbank, Vice President of Distributed Energy Resources at NYSERDA. “Together we are charting a path to a flexible, more resilient and equitable energy system that is dependent on clean, renewable resources which will transform our economy, stimulate new jobs and create healthier communities.”

However, the regional grid is not currently designed to move all of that energy in an efficient and cost-effective manner. This new era will require new infrastructure. Renewable energy assets will need to connect to the grid. Enormous amounts of power will need to flow across the region. That will require a whole new level of planning, cooperation and coordination between states and provinces, with federal and local issues also needing to be addressed.

“The electric transmission system will be the high-voltage backbone of the clean energy transition. National Grid looks forward to sharing our experience in developing transmission projects that deliver clean electricity where it’s needed most,” said Brian Gemmell, Chief Operating Officer for Electric Operations, National Grid New York. “We’re ready to work together with the public sector, private industry, and our communities to make Net Zero a reality by building the clean energy infrastructure of tomorrow.”

Quebec has been playing a leading role in this transition to clean energy, striking deals to provide both New York City and metro Boston with enough clean hydroelectric energy to power 1.2 million homes in each locality. Recently Hydro-Québec struck an innovative partnership with the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke in which the tribe will own a portion of the power corridor that crosses through its territory as it travels from Montreal to New York.

“Québec is eager to engage in discussion with its regional partners for the sustainable decarbonization of the Northeast,” said Marie-Claude Francoeur, Québec Delegate in Boston, and Martine Hébert, Québec Delegate General in New York

The ultimate hope for summit organizers is to help define a path forward for how to transform the wider regional energy system to address our pressing climate crisis while also unlocking a wave of economic opportunity.

NECEC leads the just, equitable, and rapid transition to a clean energy future and a diverse climate economy. NECEC is the only organization in the Northeast that covers all of the clean energy market segments, representing the business perspectives of investors and clean energy companies across every stage of development. NECEC members span the broad spectrum of the clean energy industry, including clean transportation, energy efficiency, wind, solar, energy storage, microgrids, fuel cells, clean buildings and advanced “smart” technologies.

NYSERDA, a public benefit corporation, offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and funding to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. NYSERDA professionals work to protect the environment and create clean-energy jobs. NYSERDA has been developing partnerships to advance innovative energy solutions in New York State since 1975. To learn more about NYSERDA’s programs and funding opportunities, visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

National Grid (NYSE: NGG) is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company serving more than 20 million people through our networks in New York and Massachusetts. National Grid is focused on building a path to a more affordable, reliable clean energy future through our fossil-free vision. National Grid is transforming our electricity and natural gas networks with smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to meet the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For more information, please visit our website, follow us on Twitter, watch us on YouTube, like us on Facebook and find our photos on Instagram.

The Québec Government Office in New York is Québec’s primary representation in the United States. Inaugurated in 1940, the Office is based in New York but serves the entire Mid-Atlantic region (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West-Virginia, Delaware, and Kentucky). Thirty years later, in 1970, the Québec Government Office in Boston opened to serve the New England states, recognizing the region’s importance as a neighbour and a partner in a wide array of sectors. These Offices promote the interests of Québec in the following sectors: business, investment, government institutions, education, culture, and public affairs. The services it provides are diverse, but primarily center around the promotion of Québec’s interest and expertise abroad, notably by helping Québec companies integrate the American market and foster mutually beneficial bilateral cross-border trade.

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