Business Leaders Call for Expanding the Role of Renewables in Connecticut’s Energy Future

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

As part of the Northeast Clean Energy Council’s (NECEC) annual Connecticut Clean Energy Day, clean energy business leaders visited the Connecticut State Capitol today to highlight the need to expand the role of renewable energy in Connecticut’s energy future through support for the Renewable Portfolio Standard and policies that support solar, energy efficiency, and innovation.

“Renewable Portfolio Standards are the foundation for clean energy markets and a proven policy tool to support successful, cost-effective renewable energy development at the state level,” said NECEC Executive Vice President Janet Gail Besser. “Expansion of the RPS, as well as support for other strong clean energy policies will continue to spur growth of good-paying, sustainable jobs in Connecticut, while stabilizing energy costs and helping the environment.”

NECEC released its 2017 Connecticut Clean Energy Policy Priorities, which outlines key policy priorities to advance clean energy and to ensure that Connecticut’s citizens, businesses and industries can reap the economic, energy and environmental benefits of clean energy.

NECEC’s main policy priority is extension of Connecticut’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which ends in 2020 and must be updated in order to drive investment in renewable energy to increase energy diversity and security and meet the state’s goals to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Other priorities include supporting Connecticut’s solar and distributed generation markets, promoting energy efficiency and new financing mechanisms by expanding the state’s successful property assessed clean energy (PACE) program to the residential sector, and continued investment in Connecticut’s burgeoning clean energy innovation sector.

As part of Connecticut Clean Energy Day, NECEC recognized Tracy Babbidge, Chief of the Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy at Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) as its 2017 Clean Energy Champion. Babbidge will be formally recognized during a speaking program and reception in Room 310 of the Connecticut State Capitol at 4:30 pm.


NECEC (Northeast Clean Energy Council & NECEC Institute) is the premier voice of businesses building a world-class clean energy hub in the Northeast, helping clean energy companies start, scale and succeed with our unique business, innovation and policy leadership. NECEC includes the Northeast Clean Energy Council (a nonprofit business member organization), and NECEC Institute (a nonprofit focused on industry research, innovation, policy development and communications initiatives). NECEC brings together business leaders and key stakeholders to engage in influential policy discussions and business initiatives while building connections that propel the clean energy industry forward.

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